Solid-Axle RC Monster Truck Racing Rules

RC Monster Truck Racing organizations follow a basic set of rules. The rules are then modified to suit the individual organization (however a sanctioning body is being formed to unify all the rules from organization to organization).

The biggest variable that all organizations follow is the fact that all RC Monster Trucks MUST use solid axles front and rear (to mimic the full scale Monster Trucks).

At most events, all trucks competing in any Points Series are subject to a tech inspection prior (and sometimes after) a race. All final rulings are at the discretion of the race officials.

General Rules

  • Every racer can take part in open practice with their trucks..
  • Racers will be given "reasonable time" to repair their truck(s) if they notify a race official ASAP. This is to ensure every participating racer can race and have fun..
  • Racing format is bracket style elimination. Once racers have staged to race, the light operator will ask "Drivers ready?" and then say "Watch the light!". Go at Green..
  • If a racer goes while the light is Red, the racer is disqualified..
  • If a racer crosses into another racer's lane but does not hinder the other racer's performance, it will be dismissed and not count as a penalty. Otherwise the racer will be disqualified. If a racer is gaining an unfair advantage from crossing into the other racer's lane then they will be disqualified..
  • If there are any discrepancies or arguments on which truck won a race, the officials will watch footage to determine the winner. If a winner cannot be determined after reviewing footage, then a re-race will be called..

General Freestyle Rules

  • Every competing truck gets 60 seconds to freestyle. A truck can flip over once during their run and continue their freestyle, at the cost of a 3 point deduction to that truck’s final freestyle score..
  • Judges will score a truck’s run from a scale of 1-10 for tricks, momentum and time with the max possible score being a 30. At each event, 3 different individuals are selected to judge both the momentum and tricks categories. The scores for each category will be averaged across the three judges..
  • A truck’s run begins being judged once their first obstacle has been hit. All final decisions are determined by and at the discretion of race officials on race day. Fill in driver rule: If you are not able to make a race but want your trucks to be at the race, you can select a driver of equal level to race your trucks. You will have to pay entry fees and your trucks would get points for making the first round of racing. If the truck advances past that you do not get any more points.

Practice - Pro Mod

Rules - Practice Pro Mod

Bracket 1:
Minimum of 30 minutes open practice, 2 cars at a time from track opening.

  • Each truck is guaranteed a minimum of 2 laps in each lane.
  • Trucks are able to get extra practice runs, 2 laps on each side, by getting back in line.

Bracket 2:
15 minutes controlled practice.

  • 2 laps in each lane, 2 cars at a time from track opening.
  • Trucks are able to get extra practice runs, 1 lap on each side, by getting back in line. One truck on the track per lane at a time.

Practice - Retro

Bracket 1:

  • 10 minutes open practice, 2 cars at a time from track opening.

Bracket 2:

  • 5 minutes open practice, 2 cars at a time from track opening or until everyone has had at least two runs on the layout.

Race Format - Pro Mod

Rules - Race Format Pro Mod

  • 2 random drawn brackets, each with its own layout.
  • Brackets drawn so racer’s trucks are on opposite sides.


  • 10 points awarded in round 1. 10 points per round as you advance. Minimum 10 points for attending.
  • Series points are based on your event score.

2 Sec. Penalties

  • Moving corner tires. (Grazing is okay. Reasonably moving will incur a penalty.)
  • Significantly moving lane pipes. (Outdoor tracks only.)
  • Not hitting jumps with two front tires.

Jumping the start line disqualifies you.

  • Crossing into your competitors lane is ok as long as you do not interrupt their race and you show you are trying to get your truck under control. “Example they have to avoid you using brakes or turn away” If you do then that is a disqualification. 5sec. penalty if you hit a turn marker and it goes into your competitors lane and they have to make adjustments to go around it. This will change when we get new turning markers that don't move easily.

Race Format - Retro

  • 2 random drawn brackets on two layouts.
  • Brackets drawn so racer’s trucks are on opposite sides.


Rules - Freestyle

  • 60 second runs
  • Songs may be played during your run for extra flair
  • Random order


  • 3 criteria: Time, Momentum, and Tricks. 10 points max each.
  • Time: Points are your time divided by 5. Ex: 38s = 7.6 points.
  • Momentum: keeping your speed up and hitting every feature.
  • Tricks: jumping, backflips, wheelies etc. The more creative you are, the more points you will get.
  • Series points are based on your event score.

Momentum and tricks judging: There will be 3 judges that will score the following: Momentum and Tricks. Average is taken.

  • Judges are randomly picked for the event.


  • 3 points for flipping
  • Implemented if you are upside down for over 5 seconds.
  • No penalty is given should you end your run. Time is taken from the moment after you flip.
  • Flips end your run after 35 seconds.

Racing - Pro Mod Monster Truck Class

RC Monster Truck Racing - Open Rules

  • Motor: Maximum of (2) brushed or brushless motors.
  • Battery: (1) 2S or 3S hard case LiPo battery.
  • Chassis: May be aftermarket, stock or scratch built.
  • Tires/Wheels: 2.6" inner/outer Tamiya Clod Buster-sized wheels with rubber Chevron-style flotation-type tires that are manufactured for a Clod Buster-style wheel.
  • Width: Maximum width is 16.5".
  • Wheelbase: Maximum wheelbase is 14".
  • Axles: Vehicle must be 4WD and have (2) solid axles with either 2 or 4 wheel steering. Axles may be a motor-on-axle design or a solid straight axle design which houses a ring and pinion gear.
  • Transmission: Ring and pinion-style axles must have a centrally located transmission.
  • Body: Any scale car or truck body is allowed.
  • Other: Vehicle can have a 3-link suspension (stock Wheely King-style) or a 4-link suspension (with or without panhard bar). Single or multiple sway bars are allowed.

Racing - Retro Monster Truck Class

rules-RC Monster Truck Racing - Retro Rules

  • Motor: Maximum of (2) Axial and or (2) JConcepts 27T sealed endbell motors with factory labels.
  • Battery: (1) 2S hard case LiPo battery.
  • Chassis: May be aftermarket, stock or scratch built with a period correct Retro design. Minimum of 3.5" clearance to the bottom of the chassis. Factory shaft drive transmissions require a minimum of 2.5" clearance. For example, Clod Buster and Juggernaut.
  • Tires/Wheels: 2.6" inner/outer Tamiya Clod Buster-sized wheelss with full cleat Chevron-style period correct tires that are manufactured for a Clod Buster-sized wheel. Dual tractor tires permitted when replicating said vehicle.
  • Width: Maximum width of 15.5".
  • Wheelbase: Must represent the vehicle that it is replicating.
  • Axles: 4WD with (2) solid axles that can be 2- or 4-wheel steer.
  • Suspension: No aftermarket / custom multi-link or cantilever suspensions. No sway bar(s) / anti-roll device(s) or torsion-style link suspension(s). Stock, unmodified Clod Buster / Juggernaut suspensions are allowed. Custom leaf spring suspension(s) built to scale are allowed with axle-mounted shocks not angled more than 70 degrees.
  • Body: Must replicate a 1996 or earlier body style replicating that era.

Racing - Losi LMT Spec Monster Truck Class

Losi LMT Spec Monster Truck Class Specifications

  • Motor: RTR kit motor which is a Spektrum Firma 3150kV 4-pole brushless motor.
  • Battery: (1) 2S or 3S hard case LiPo battery.
  • Chassis: Unmodified stock LMT chassis. Cage and wheelie bar may be removed.
  • Tires/Wheels: Stock uncut LMT tires and wheels.
  • Width: Must retain stock width of 15.4".
  • Wheelbase: Must retain stock wheelbase of 13.5".
  • Axles: Stock-style axle housing with or without braces. Must remain 4WD with (2) wheel steering.
  • Transmission: Stock LMT transmission with or without the center diff.
  • Suspension: Stock shocks and stock sway bars must remain in the stock positions. Springs and oil changes are allowed.
  • Body: Any scale car or truck body is allowed.
  • Other: The spirit of the Losi LMT Spec class is to give the racers a place to use a basically unmodified version of the truck to level the playing field for new and veteran racers.

Racing - Mini LMT Monster Truck Class

Mini LMT Monster Truck Class Specifications

  • Motor: Must retain the single stock 380-size 25T motor.
  • Battery: (1) Stock battery which is a Spektrum hard case 2S 810mAh 50c LiPo battery.
  • Chassis: Unmodified stock Mini LMT chassis. Cage and wheelie bar may be removed.
  • Tires/Wheels: Must retain the stock Mini LMT tires and wheels.
  • Width: Must retain the stock width of 8.1".
  • Wheelbase: Must retain the stock wheelbase of 6.8".
  • Axles: Must retain the stock axles that came with the Mini LMT. Steering is limited to the front axle only.
  • Body: Any scale body that fits the Mini LMT is allowed.
  • Other: The vehicle can retain or remove the stock sway bars. Shock oils, springs and servo can be changed. Shocks must remain in the stock positions.
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